Georgopoulou, E., Alexandrou, O., Manolopoulos, A., Xirouchakis, S. & Catsadorakis, G. 2023. Home range of the Dalmatian pelican in south-east Europe. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 69:41. '; zoom view
Fotiadou, E., Panou, E., Graikou, K., Sakellarakis, F.-N., & Chinou, I. 2023. Volatiles of All Native Juniperus Species Growing in Greece—Antimicrobial Properties.Foods 2023, 12, 3506. '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., Roumeliotou, V., Koutseri, I. & Malakou, M. 2022. Multifaceted local action for the conservation of the transboundary Prespa lakes Ramsar sites in Balkans. Marine and Freshwater Research, 73, 1174-1183. '; zoom view
Alexandrou, O., Theodoropoulos, I. & G. Catsadorakis. 2022. Assessing the use of time-lapse cameras to estimate breeding success and collect other data in the Dalmatian pelican colony, Prespa, NW Greece. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Alexandrou, O., Malakou, M. & G. Catsadorakis. 2022. The impact of avian influenza 2022 on Dalmatian pelicans was the worst ever wildlife disaster in Greece. Oryx, Vol.56 (6), p.814 '; zoom view
Alexandrou, O., Malakou, M., Nikolaou, H. & G. Catsadorakis. 2022. Avian influenza outbreak at Prespa Park – A devastating impact on the Dalmatian pelican colony. 1st Ornithological Conference in Albania, 27-29 June 2022, Tirana (presentation) '; zoom view
Alexandrou, O., Malakou, M., Nikolaou, H. & G. Catsadorakis. 2022. Avian influenza outbreak 2022 – A devastating impact on the Prespa Dalmatian pelican colony, NW Greece. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Bounas, A., Catsadorakis, G., Naziridis, T., Bino, T., Hatzilacou, D., Malakou, M., Onmus O., Siki, M., Simeonov, P & A. J. Crivelli. 2022. Site fidelity and determinants of wintering decision in the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus). Ethology Ecology & Evolution '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., Voslamber, B. & A. Logotheti. 2022. The status of the Prespa population of graylag geese Anser anser in Prespa National Park, Greece. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G. & O. Alexandrou. 2022. Climate change impact to Dalmatian pelican breeding ecology: observations from a 40-year study in Prespa, northern Greece. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Chinou, I. & K Graikou. 2022. “Evaluating Greek honey-bees’ products (Honey, Propolis, Royal Jelly), as source of distinguished chemical and pharmacological potential” (oral presentation). 1st Joint meeting on Natural Products Pharmacology SIF – SIPHAR – IMGNPP, Naples, 24th-26th February 2022 '; zoom view
Gonev, A., Jelenčič, M., Konec, M., Hočevar, S., Pazhenkova, E., Alexandrou, O., Henderson, J., Hoxha, B., Lama, O., Melovski, D., Pavlov, A., Shyti, I., Stojanov, A., Trajce, A., Trajce, C., Koci, K., Zaec, D., Skrbinšek, T. 2022. Analysis of noninvasive genetic samples from brown bears (Ursus arctos) from the transboundary Prespa basin. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Henderson, J., Koutseri, I. & M. Malakou. 2022. Enhanced ecosystem service trends in Lesser Prespa Lake, Greece. Society of Wetland Scientists European Chapter Meeting. 14-16 June 2022, Arles, France (presentation) '; zoom view
Koutseri, I. & J. Henderson. 2022. Enhanced ecosystem service trends in Lesser Prespa Lake, Greece. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Malakou, M. & G. Catsadorakis. 2022. Prespa’s Green and Blue LifeLines: A holistic experiment in expanding wetland landscape management to disregarded riparian zones in Greek. Prespa. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (poster) '; zoom view
Pyrgioti E., Graikou K., Aligiannis N. & I. Chinou. 2022. Chemical profile and biological activities of propolis in the biodiversity hotspot of Lake Prespa -NW Greece (poster presentation). 1st Joint meeting on Natural Products Pharmacology SIF – SIPHAR – IMGNPP, Naples, 24th-26th February 2022 '; zoom view
Pyrgioti, E.; Graikou, K.; Aligiannis, N.; Sofia, K. & I. Chinou 2022. Qualitative Analysis Related to Palynological Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Propolis from Prespa National Park (Greece). Molecules 2022, 27, 7018. '; zoom view
Sakellarakis, F.-N., Pechinot, C., Maliaka, V., Lefebvre, G., Willm, L., Fontès, H., Koutseri, I., Smolders, A.J.P & P. Grillas. 2022. Ecological niches and interface dynamics of Phragmites australis & Typha angustifolia in the Prespa National Park (NW Greece). Society of Wetland Scientists European Chapter Meeting. 14-16 June 2022, Arles, France (presentation) '; zoom view
Sakellarakis, F.-N., Manolopoulos, A., Bergmeier, E., Kazoglou, Y., Vrahnakis, M., Arianoutsou, M., Malakou, M., Strid, A. & G. Fotiadis. 2022. Introducing Flora Prespae Database. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (presentation) '; zoom view
Gonev, A., Pavlov, A., Melovski, D., Lama, O., Shyti, I., Alexandrou, O., Henderson, J., Stojanov, A., Hoxha, B., Trajce, A., Trajce, C., Zaec, D. & G. Catsadroakis. 2022. Dietary habits of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in the Transboudary Prespa Basin. 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, with international participation, 15-18 October 2022, Ohrid (poster) '; zoom view
Alexandrou, O., Malakou, M., Roumeliotou, V., Papanousi, F. & G. Catsadorakis. 2021. Placement of multiple wind farms in pelican movement corridors in Western and Central Macedonia (oral presentation, in Greek). 10th Panhellenic Conference of Ecology (HELECOS 10), Special Session “Placement of Wind Farms and Biodiversity”, Ioannina, 14th-17th October 2021 (Online Conference) '; zoom view
Barboutis, C., C. Kassara, O. Alexandrou & G. Catsadorakis. 2021. Long-term changes in the wintering population of the Dalmatian Pelican along the Black Sea-Mediterranean Flyway. Ardea 109 (3). '; zoom view
Bounas, A., G. Catsadorakis, I. Koutseri, H. Nikolaou, D. Nicolas, M. Malakou & A.J. Crivelli. 2021. Temporal trends and determinants of fish biomass in two contrasting natural lake systems: insights from a spring long-term monitoring scheme. Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 422, 28. '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., O. Alexandrou, D. Dimidzievski, B. Hoxha, I. Koutseri, D. Melovski, G. Mertzanis, M. Petridou, I. Shyti, A. Stojanov, A. Trajçe. 2021. Current situation of the golden jackal Canis aureus in the transboundary Prespa Park. (preprint) '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., E. Mougiakou, Th. Kizos. 2021. Ridge-and-furrow Agriculture around Lake Mikri Prespa, Greece, in a European perspective. Journal of European Landscapes 2: 7-20, '; zoom view
Uhrin, Marcel & Balogová, Monika & Vargova, Viktoria. (2021). Bats of the Prespa Basin in northern Greece: acoustic survey, new records and relationships to ligt pollution (Chiroptera). Lynx new series. 51. 147–191. '; zoom view
Kazantzidis, S., Naziridis, Th., Catsadorakis, G., Nikolaou, H. & E. Makrigianni. 2021. Status and Population Trends of Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis Breeding in Greece. Ardea 109: 367-380. '; zoom view
Papathanasiou, F., Tzotzi, A., Koutseri, I., Malakou, M., Parisis, T. & I. Papadopoulos, I. 2021. The effect of direct use of lakeside biomass as soil amendment on the productivity of dry bean crop. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 67 (4): 7-14. doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.67.4.01 '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., V. Roumeliotou, I. Koutseri & M. Malakou. 2021. Multifaceted local action for the conservation of the transboundary Prespa lakes Ramsar sites in the Balkans. Marine and Freshwater Research. '; zoom view
Papathanasiou, F., Zaralis, K., Koutseri, I., Malakou, M., Papadopoulos, A., Pliantsa, A., Aggelaki, M., Karetsa, V. & I. Papadopoulos. 2021. Nutritive value of riparian common reed biomass for ruminants. AGROFOR International Journal, Vol. 6 (4). Doi: 10.7251/AGRENG2102098P '; zoom view
Bergmeier, E., Sakellarakis, F-N, Strid, A. & C. Swinkels. 2020. New additions to the Flora of Prespa, Greece. Phytologia Balcanica, Vol.: 26 (1), pp. 103-130. '; zoom view
Christopoulou, Ai., A. Manolopoulos, G. Catsadorakis. 2020. The distribution and numbers of Dalmatian Pelican. Pelecanus crispus on the Central Asian flyway between 1990 and 2015. Sandgrouse 42: 1-28. '; zoom view
Giokas, S., Maximiadi, M., Kassara, C., Alexandrou, O. & Catsadorakis, G. 2020. Mixed-species flock fishing in Dalmatian Pelicans: patterns and benefits. Ardea 108: 65–72. '; zoom view
Handrinos, G. & Catsadorakis, G. 2020. The historical and current distribution of Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus and Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus in Greece and adjacent areas: 1830-2019. Avocetta 44: 11-20. '; zoom view
Strid, A. Bergmeier, E & G. Fotiadis. 2020. Flora and Vegetation of the Prespa National Park, Greece. Society for the Protection of Prespa. 552 p. '; zoom view
van der Schriek, T., Giannakopoulos, C. & Varotsos, K.V. The impact of future climate change on bean cultivation in the Prespa Lake catchment, northern Greece. Euro-Mediterr J Environ Integr 5, 14 (2020). '; zoom view
Bergmeier, E., Sakellarakis, F-N, Strid, A. & C. Swinkels. 2020. New additions to the Flora of Prespa, Greece. Phytologia Balcanica, Vol.: 26 (1), pp. 103-130. '; zoom view
Christopoulou A., Manolopoulos A. & G. Catsadorakis. 2019. The distribution of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in the Central Asia flyway between 1990 and 2015. Sandgrouse: in press. '; zoom view
Alexandrou O. & G. Catsadorakis. 2019. Changes to Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus ecology brought by climate change: observations and findings from a 40-year study in Prespa, northern Greece. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Campus, 6th-9th November 2019 (Oral presentation) '; zoom view
Catsadorakis G. & O. Alexandrou. 2019. Status of knowledge about the population trends and conservation developments for the Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus in the world. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Campus, 6th-9th November 2019 (Oral presentation) '; zoom view
Catsadorakis G., Alexandrou O., Papadopoulos K. & T. Nazirides. 2019. Feeding of Dalmatian pelicans Pelecanus crispus by fishermen and photographers in Lake Kerkini and its importance for the ecology of these birds. Oionos, Vol. 59: 6-8 (In Greek) '; zoom view
Catsadorakis G. 2019. Establishment and growth of a new Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus colony in Central Greece. Acta Ornithologica 54: 125–132. DOI: 10.31 61/00016454AO2019.54.1.010 '; zoom view
Karapatzak E., Varsamis G., Koutseri I., Takos I. & T. Merou. 2019. The effect of pollen performance on low seed fertility in a Greek population of Juniperus excelsa. Journal of Forest Science, Vol.: 65, pp. 356 – 367. '; zoom view
Sakellarakis F. N., Manolopoulos A., Fotiadis G., Kazoglou Y., Vrahnakis M., Swinkels C., Sebastian U., Strid A. & E. Bergmeier. 2019. Flora of Prespa area database, NW Greece. 16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society – Athens, Greece. '; zoom view
Tucker M., Alexandrou O., Bierregaard Jr R.O., Bildstein K. L., et al. 2019. Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology & Biogeography 28(5): 576-587. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12875. '; zoom view
van der Schriek T., Giannakopoulos C. & K. V. Varotsos. 2019. The impact of future climate change on bean cultivation in the Prespa Lake catchment. 2nd International Conference Adapt to Climate – Heraklion, Crete, Greece '; zoom view
van der Schriek T., Varotsos K. V. & C. Giannakopoulos. 2019. The impact of future climate change on the water level of Lake Lesser Prespa: assessing the vulnerability of fish spawning grounds, and bird nesting- /foraging sites. 2nd International Conference Adapt to Climate – Heraklion, Crete, Greece '; zoom view
Ashoori Α., Amini H., Khaleghizadeh A., Manolopoulos A. & G. Catsadorakis. 2019. What caused the strong increase of the winter population of the Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, in Iran in the last two decades? Zoology in the Middle East '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., Papadopoulou, E., Petrakos, M., Koutseri, I. “Status of Fisheries at Megali Prespa Lake and Mikri Prespa Lake, Greece, Based on a Census of Fishermen’s Opinions”, Environment and Ecology Research 2018, 6(6): 583f-592. '; zoom view
Efrat, R., Harel, R., Alexandrou, O., Catsadorakis, G., Nathan, R. “Seasonal differences in energy expenditure, flight characteristics and spatial utilization of Dalmatian pelicans Pelecanus crispus in Greece”, Ibis 2018, 161(2): 415-427. '; zoom view
Maliaka, V., Faassen, E.J., Smolders, A.J., Lürling, M. “The Impact of Warming and Nutrients on Algae Production and Microcystins in Seston from the Iconic Lake Lesser Prespa, Greece”. Toxins 2018, 10, 144. '; zoom view
Mantzouki, E. et al. “Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins”. Toxins 2018, 10, 156 '; zoom view
Catsadorakis G., Avramoski O., Bojadzi A. & H. Nikolaou. 2016. The status of an isolated population of Goosander Mergus merganser in the Balkans. Wildfowl (66):159-175. '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., O. Onmus, S. Bugariu, O. Gül, D. Hatzilacou, O. Hatzofe, M. Malakou, T. Michev, T. Naziridis, H. Nikolaou, A. Rudenko, D. Saveljic, S. Shumka, M. Sıkı, A.J. Crivelli. 2015. Current status of the Dalmatian pelican and the great white pelican populations of the Black Sea/Mediterranean flyway. Endangered Species Research Vol. 27: 119–130. '; zoom view
Mantziou, D. (2014, May). Case Study: The Prespa Park Basin. Paper presented at the Counting our gains: Sharing experiences on identifying, assessing and communicating the benefits of transboundary water cooperation Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., Aleksi, P., Avramoski, O., Bino, T., Bojadzi, A., Rajanoski, Z., Fremuth, W., Kazoglou, Y., Koutseri, I., Logotheti, A., Malakou, M., Nikolaou, H., Nikolaou, L., Putilin, K., Shumka, S., Uzunova, D. & M. Velevski. 2013. Waterbirds wintering at the Prespa Lakes as revealed by simultaneous counts in the three adjoining littoral states. Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment. Vol: 15/ 1, p23-31. '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G., Voslamber, B. & A. Logotheti. 2012. First Greylag Geese Anser anser rubrirostris ringed in Greece. Goose Bulletin, Issue 15, November 2012, pp. 28-31. '; zoom view
Myrsini Malakou, «Traditional ecological knowledge, conservation and socio-ecological perspectives in the Prespa transboundary Park», Chapter 5.2, page 329 in Papayannis, T. and Pritchard, D. E. (2011), Culture and Wetlands in the Mediterranean: an Evolving Story, Athens, Med-INA. '; zoom view
Mantziou, D. and Gletsos, M., (2011) The Development of Transboundary Cooperation in the Prespa Lakes Basin. In: Transboundary Water Resources Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Eds Ganoulis, J., Aureli, A. and Fried, J.), John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Weinheim '; zoom view
Perennou, C., Gletsos, M., Chauvelon, P., Crivelli, A., DeCoursey, M., Dokulil, M., Grillas, P., Grovel, R. and Sandoz, A. (2009). Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Area, Aghios Germanos, Greece, November 2009, 381pp. Information of this study and the full study can be found '; zoom view
Crivelli, A.J., Koutseri, I. & S. Petkovski. 2008.THE PRESPA TROUT Salmo peristericus Karaman 1938 -Species Action Plan. Tour du valat, Society for the Protection of Prespa, BIOECO. '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G. & A.J. Crivelli 2001. Nesting habitat characteristics and breeding performance of Dalmatian Pelicans in lake Mikri Prespa, NW Greece. Waterbirds 24:386–393. '; zoom view
Crivelli, AJ, D. Hatzilacou & G. Catsadorakis 1998. The breeding biology of the Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus. Ibis 140:472–481. '; zoom view
Catsadorakis, G. 1997. The importance of Prespa National Park for breeding and wintering birds. Hydrobiologia 351: 157-174. '; zoom view
Crivelli, A.J., G. Catsadorakis, M. Malakou, E. Rosecchi. 1997. Fish and fisheries of the Prespa lakes (Lake Prespa, north-western Greece: a unique Balkan wetland). Hydrobiologia, Vol. 351, No. 1, 107-125. '; zoom view