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A memorandum between the UNEP-administered Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) and the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) has recently been signed, aiming to foster a wide international collaboration for the conservation of the spectacular Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus).The SPP will coordinate the operation of an international working group of government officials and experts across two continents, Europe and Asia, which is being convened under AEWA. The...

On December 23, 2024, in Laimos, the Mayor of Prespa, Giorgos Stergiou, and the Director of the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP), Myrsini Malakou, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. This agreement formalizes, strengthens, and systematizes the long-standing relationship between the Municipality and the Society.  Main Pillars of Cooperation  Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources: Special focus is placed on the impacts of climate change on the sustainable management of...

On December 3, 2024, the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention voted in favor of downgrading the protective status of wolves. This decision has faced strong criticism from nature conservation experts and environmental organizations. The Environmental Organizations co-signing this announcement join their voices with other European groups and international networks, denouncing the decision as a serious misstep devoid of any scientific rationale. This decision, influenced by the EU's push to weaken...

The opening hours of the exhibition area of Agios Germanos watermill for December: Saturday 7/12 and Saturday 14/12 From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PMDuring the holiday season: It will remain open from Saturday 21/12 through 7/1, except on public holidays. The opening hours will be from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Specifically, we look forward to welcoming you on: 21 - 22/12 23 - 24/12 27 - 31/12 3 - 5/1 7/1Happy holidays! ...

Joint Announcement of 12 Environmental Organizations We welcome the submission to the Hellenic Parliament of the draft law aimed at strengthening and expanding public participation in environmental issues. The bill was submitted by the New Left in response to the invitation extended by 12 civil society organizations. These organizations have launched a joint initiative to address the serious deficit in public information and meaningful participation in the policy-making process and environmental...

Last Thursday, September 26, 2024, the EU Council formally ratified the decision of the majority of EU member states to adopt the European Commission's proposal to downgrade the protection status of the wolf under the Bern Convention. This decision was made possible after most countries, including Greece, changed their position and voted in favor of the proposal despite initial reservations.Unfortunately, with a few exceptions, the EU's Environment Ministers ignored the...

Eleven (11) environmental organizations are joining forces to establish the Alliance for Wildlife, a new ambitious initiative aimed at contributing to the conservation and protection of Greece's biodiversity. This is a collective initiative focused on the effective protection of both well-known and lesser-known species important to our country. By combining the extensive experience, significant work, and expertise of these organizations, the Alliance for Wildlife aims to play a crucial role...

In Prespa, we celebrate our rivers and streams every day! The Society for the Protection of Prespa undertakes actions related to the streams and the Agios Germanos River, which, despite their seemingly short length, together with their riparian vegetation and habitats, are biodiversity hotspots of great ecological significance and a valuable source of water and life for Prespa. We are implementing: Since April 2022, the program “Prespa’s Green & Blue Life Lines” These...

                  Joint Press Release Twenty environmental organizations are calling on the Greek government to reject the proposal for downgrading the protection status of wolves, which will be discussed soon at the Council of EU Environment Ministers. They request the government to align with a scientifically grounded and ambitious approach to preserving species and ecosystems in the EU and Greece. In a letter to the...

Are you an adventurous undergraduate or post-graduate student searching for new experiences of learning and investing in field research? Save the dates of 26th-30th August and apply for the Transboundary Summer School 2024, in Prespa National Park, Albania!Led by PPNEA and actively supported by MES from North Macedonia and SPP from Greece, this Summer School promises a unique, synergetic experience, sharing knowledge from all three sides of the Prespa’s basin.Let's...

The Society for the Protection of Prespa had the pleasure of participating in two conferences beyond Greek borders in April, with the central theme being the conservation and restoration of rivers, traveling to the Netherlands and Wales, filling with new knowledge and experiences. We are grateful to be able to convey what we saw and learned back to Prespa.Initially, we attended the Free Flow Conference in Groningen, which encompassed a...

The watermill of Agios Germanos opens its doors once again and welcomes visitors to a journey into tradition starting from Monday, April 29th.Considering the enormous interest from visitors in the Prespa region, we are excited to announce that we decided to open the watermill exhibition! All you need to know about the watermill before visiting The efforts to restore the watermill of Agios Germanos have begun back in 1996. Twenty years...

This year’s trip to fit transmitters on Dalmatian pelicans at Lake Kerkini before the breeding season gets underway was successfully carried out as planned! The SPP team placed transmitters on nine of these magnificent wild birds, enabling us to learn more about their movements and the risks they face over their lifetime. This activity was carried out with the support of the Kerkini Branch of the Management Unit for the...

The Prespa wetlands are globally recognized for their contribution to biodiversity, providing a suitable 'home' for many flora and fauna species. At the same time, they play a significant role in the well-being of the residents.But what do Prespa wetlands mean for children? What elements do they identify, and to which of these do they attribute a crucial role?Through their paintings, the students at the Primary School of Agios Germanos...

The Municipality of Prespa has once again ensured a certified company has collected Prespa’s empty agrochemical containers, ensuring their safe transportation and disposal. Although this is a costly process due to our distance from the recycling centre, it is essential for protecting Prespa's surface and groundwaters from the toxic contents of this packaging.Αs part of the 'Prespa's Green and Blue LifeLines' project, the SPP has donated 14 special new bins...

An incredibly rare winter visitor has been spotted in Prespa for the first time! The red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) is one of the smallest wild geese in the world.The features of this goose are the contrasts of black and white in its plumage, and the chestnut-crimson shades on the lower part of its neck, abdomen, and cheeks.Its presence in Prespa caused quite a stir, as this species is usually found...

It’s not even the end of January and the first 40 Dalmatian pelicans have already shown up in Prespa and valiantly built their nests amidst the winter snows!As we’ve seen in recent years, these iconic birds are arriving here earlier and earlier due to the mild winters, a result of climate change.Let’s give our brave pelicans a helping hand - by not fishing too close to the colonies and disturbing...

The co-signatory 19 Environmental Organizations express our complete opposition to the proposal announced today by the European Commission to degrade the wolf's protection status under the Bern Convention and we call on the Greek government to proceed to its rejection during the Council of Environment Ministers that will be held.A few days ago, we joined with almost 300 European organizations, who addressed a new open letter to the EC President,...

Last week the SPP team visited the pelican colony of Lake Cheimaditis up close for the first time ever!We set out by boat to see what the characteristics and quality of the colony nests were. Access to the pelican colonies here is tricky, however, because they are located in remote areas that are well protected by dense vegetation, so a good knowledge of the area and the appropriate equipment were...

The Society for the Protection of Prespa joined in the final workshop of the project MediterRE3 “REstoring REsilience of Mediterranean landscapes to REduce GHG emissions from wildfires” and a meeting of the partners of the Medforval network from 02 – 05 October, held in Luberon, France.The project meeting included a detailed presentation of the important biodiversity of the Luberon Regional Park, host to 30% of the country’s flora and the...