Discovering the plants of Prespa
This programme consists of activities for learning about Prespa plants, with additional references to plant-animal relationships in order to cultivate a more comprehensive view of plant biology and ecology. The activities are appropriately designed for primary school children and are divided into two sets of classes based on age. Each age group is assigned two 2-hour classroom sessions and a 4-hour field session. Teacher instructions are provided for each activity, as well as the materials needed, time management tips and the education package’s desired goals, while students receive a version that includes all the activity worksheets.
Lakes are our world
The educational programme, “Lakes are our world”, is about fish and fishing in Prespa lakes. Through appropriately designed activities, the students learn about the importance of the Lesser and Great Prespa Lakes, the dangers they face, the fish that they host and the fishing taking place in their waters. The first part of the programme contains all the information material for the teacher, while the second part includes 23 activities with instructions, materials and time needed for each one.
A river of games, knowledge and experiences
The main objective of this programme is for children to learn about the ecology, functions and values of rivers and streams, understand the main threats they face and raise awareness about seeking solutions to deal with these threats. The educational package includes cognitive nature activities, where information and knowledge regarding the subject are provided, but also interactive or experiential activities in which children are encouraged to think critically and creatively. Activities are tailored for different age groups. The version for younger children involves more games, while activities for older children are more demanding.
Climate change on the planet, in the country, at home
Through the educational activities of this programme, students come in contact with the greenhouse effect, climate change, the way electricity is produced and the resources consumed in this process. The main objective of the programme is for the students to learn more about the phenomenon of climate change, through group activities and games, and understand how the daily needs of modern lifestyles and consumption of energy burden the environment, in order to raise awareness and initiate choices for energy-saving practices and products.
LIFE Prespa Waterbirds – Presplorers
The environmental education group Presplorers was created by young people from Prespa as part of the LIFE Prespa Waterbirds project. In their meetings, they got to know the biodiversity of the area through games and field activities. They became young scientists, studying and documenting changes around the lakeshore, monitoring waterfowl and gaining experience in wetland management processes. The activities include an introduction that provides information about the several subjects covered, the methodology for the implementation of all the steps, a list of needed materials, supervision material, worksheets and examples.
LIFE Prespa Waterbirds – The cycle of wildlife
This programme of educational activities was designed as part of the LIFE Prespa Waterbirds project, and carried out on the occasion of World Wildlife Day. Its purpose is to raise students’ awareness on issues that threaten wildlife and to cultivate a responsible attitude towards the protection of nature. The programme consists of three main activities that focus on the interdependence of the living organisms of a habitat, as well as their relationship with abiotic elements. At the same time, emphasis is given to the role of the human factor and the ways that ecosystem degradation can affect wildlife and our societies. In each activity, there are individual objectives, the methodology, as well as suggested adjustments according to the age and educational needs of the students.
LIFE Prespa Waterbirds – World Migratory Bird Day
The educational guide “Traveling with birds”, was designed as part of the LIFE Prespa Waterbirds project to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. The aim of the activities is to activate the interest of primary school students in the importance of Prespa, with regard to the migratory birds it hosts. An interactive floor game with a variety of activities based on experiential learning, active participation and teamwork, highlights the importance of the interaction of natural and human factors in the conservation of migratory birds.
LIFE JunEx – Into the Secrets of Juniper Trees
The environmental education programme “Into the Secrets of Juniper Trees” was designed for high school students as part of the LIFE+ Nature JunEx project. The aim of the activities is for the students to learn about the priority habitat “Greek Juniper Forests” in Prespa and the species of flora and fauna that live there, as well as their value and ways to identify the role of human activity in the preservation of these forests. The programme can be implemented in two classroom meetings and one field meeting on Mt. Devas (which is home to the largest juniper forest in the area). The materials include the teacher’s guide, worksheets, instructions and an assessment sheet.