
The Society for the Protection of Prespa has published a series of publications in an attempt to exploit all the knowledge gathered from its long-term activation in Prespa area and disseminate it to the wider public.

In this section you may find all the available publications. For more information or if you’re interested in buying any of them, please contact us.

Flora and Vegetation of the Prespa National Park, Greece

Flora and Vegetation of the Prespa National Park, Greece

Authors: Arne Strid, Erwin Bergmeier, Giorgos Fotiadis
English edition
Number of pages: 550
Price: €75
ΙSBN: 978-9-6030228-5-5

After years of work and primary research in the area, the three renowned botanists/professors, Arne Strid, Erwin Bergmeier and Giorgos Fotiadis, collected in the book “Flora and Vegetation of the Prespa National Park, Greece” all the data and information about its flora Prespas.

Rare plants, some of them endemic to Prespa, others that we encounter every day on a nature walk, known and intertwined with the Prespi landscape and others well hidden in corners of this small but so rich place. It’s all gathered in this complete and detailed 550 page guide.

1816 species of flora are accurately presented in a detailed catalog. More than 1000 high-resolution photos offer the reader a close-up look at Prespa’s wild plants. Maps as well as 12 chapters of documentary narrative highlight the key features of the vegetation of the region’s 45 different habitat types.

A legacy book about Prespa, the Balkans and Greece. A unique collaboration of renowned scientists, in a publication supported by the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation, was realized by the Prespa Preservation Society and the publications of the Vlassi Brothers.

The book of pelicans

The book of pelicans

Author: Giorgos Catsadorakis
Bilingual Edition: Greek- English
Number of pages: 181
Price: €25
ISBN: 960-85811-4-1

A special book that goes beyond strictly “scientific” language of researchers and through the use of exceptional photography combined with comprehensive and explanatory texts transmits to the reader the wonderful world of the two species of pelicans found in Europe, the Dalmatian Pelican and the Great White Pelican.

Prespa: a story for Man and Nature

Prespa: a story for Man and Nature

(English Edition)
Author: Giorgos Catsadorakis
Price: €23
Number of pages: 196
ISBN: 960-85811-2-5

This book is a milestone in the publications of the Society for the Protection of Prespa. It is the only book which deals with a separate and complete manner the natural and cultural heritage of Prespa. Moreover, in all chapters of the book, the relationship and interaction between human and the surroundings unfolds step by step.

Prespa - Eco-touristic guide

Eco-touristic guide

(English Edition, available also in Greek)
Prespa Walking Guide
The edition includes a guide book and 4 maps
Number of pages: 203
Price: €20
ΙSBN: 978-960-85811-6-6

Rich data on geology, history, natural environment, architecture and human activities in the region are being revealed in the pages of the guide with minimal style, scientific validity and rich photographic material. Depending on your capabilities and mood you can select among the 14 proposed trails and explore yourself the beauty of the area.

The publication of this book has been funded by the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation.

Fish and Fishery in Prespa

(Available only in Greek Edition)
Author: Giorgos Catsadorakis
Number of pages: 52
Price: €4.5
ISBN: 960-85811-1-7

This publication is not just a unique record of the different fish species and fishing methods that can be found in the Prespa lakes. This book was made to contribute to a better understanding of the role of fish and fishery products to the current environment of Prespa. This publication is a result of the exhibition that was created for the visitor Information Center for Fish and Fishery in Prespa.