Wise Planning / Related projects

Prespa is one of those examples in Europe and in Greece where human activities such as fishing, agriculture and animal husbandry have been harmonised with the natural area, in such a way as to significantly enhance the variety of its unique natural and cultural characteristics and not to degrade it. However, the socio-economic conditions and trends that have prevailed since the beginning of the 1980s have also led to uncontrolled...

The plan was the first joint project of the three neighbouring countries and one of the first steps towards the formulation of a common vision between the three peoples. Its target was to set the basis for the discussion on the future of the area and form a product of close collaboration between the NGOs actively participating and of several independent experts. The aim of the plan was to outline...

Landscape is a part of our everyday lives and is recognised by the European Landscape Convention as a common resource that affects citizens’ well-being and quality of life. So, public participation is important when it comes to making coherent landscape policies and effective landscape management. But, in Greece there hasn’t been a comprehensive strategy for landscape management nor appropriate institutional tools for citizen participation. The result is both fragmentation of...

The Society for the Protection of Prespa was established in 1991 by two visionaries, Dr Luc Hoffman and Thymios Papayannis, who wanted to create an organisation that would work collaboratively to protect Prespa's remarkable nature and culture, through scientific principles and dialogue, ensuring that all those who strived for the conservation of this incredible and biodiverse corner of SE Europe spoke with a single and effective voice.Many partners and donors...