Environmental Education / Related projects

The project "Strengthening NGO-led Collaboration to the Transboundary Prespa Basin" was implemented between 2018 and 2021 by the partners of the PrespaNet network (SPP, Macedonian Ecological Society – MES, Protection and Preservation of the Natural Environment of Albania – PPNEA) with the funding of the Prespa-Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT) and the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation and support by EuroNatur.Against of background of long-term efforts to foster transboundary collaboration in...

The operation of the information centre was undertaken by an NGO which was established by the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) for this purpose, the Women’s Association of Lesser Prespa. As a capacity-building measure, in order to help foster environmental awareness and thus contribute to preserving the valuable natural and cultural values of this side of Lesser Prespa Lake, local people were trained as eco-guides and to run...

The project entitled "Enhancing the cultural touristic product of the transboundary area of Prespa through the promotion of the natural and cultural heritage", or “Holy Water” for short, was an attempt to comprehensively approach tourism development in the transboundary area of Prespa through the promotion of cultural and environmental values. The project partners (Municipality of Prespa, Municipality of Resen, Ephorate of Antiquities of Florina, Bitola Museum and the Society for...

In a nutshell, this project addresses a large proportion of the programme of the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) for the overall conservation and protection of Greek and transboundary Prespa, as foreseen in the organisation’s Strategic Framework for the period 2023-2027, as well as support for core administrative and managerial work. These efforts aim to contribute to achieving the long-term goals set out in the previous strategic framework,...

Acknowledging that working across borders on complicated conservation challenges requires close transboundary co-ordination, the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) works at several levels to foster such collaboration. One of these is the PrespaNet environmental NGO network consisting of Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) in North Macedonia, Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) in Albania and the SPP in Greece. The Prespa Project is a network project...

Despite their seemingly small length and significance, Prespa’s streams and river, together with their distinct riparian vegetation and habitats, are ecologically important biodiversity hotspots and a valuable source of water and life for Prespa, the lakes and their adjacent wetlands. Aiming to better understand and promote the functions and values of these waterways and riparian habitats on the Greek side of Prespa, the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP)...

The Society for the Protection of Prespa was established in 1991 by two visionaries, Dr Luc Hoffman and Thymios Papayannis, who wanted to create an organisation that would work collaboratively to protect Prespa's remarkable nature and culture, through scientific principles and dialogue, ensuring that all those who strived for the conservation of this incredible and biodiverse corner of SE Europe spoke with a single and effective voice.Many partners and donors...