Electric fencing placed in areas of Opagia and Slatina Plateos

Electric fencing placed in areas of Opagia and Slatina Plateos

As part of work to conserve wet meadows, as well as pilot actions for the prevention of damage by wild boar, solar-powered electric fencing was placed along areas of Opagia and Slatina Plateos during the summer of 2020. This allows cattle to graze within the area, while at the same time the effectiveness of the fences as a prevention measure against damage caused by wild boar can be tested. Using electric fences allows us to control the level of grazing pressure in order to restore and maintain wet meadows, whilst also ensuring cattle do not stray into agricultural areas.

This measure was supported by the projects: “LIFE Prespa Waterbirds” and “Strengthening NGO-led Collaboration to the Transboundary Prespa Basin”

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