Lessons learned from 30 years of conservation in Prespa

Lessons learned from 30 years of conservation in Prespa

As part of its work, the SPP aims to share the experience and knowledge it has accumulated over the three decades that it has been working on conservation in Prespa, in order to disseminate what we have gained in understanding from these efforts.

One aspect of this has been the creation of a series of ‘lessons learned’ that summarise some of the main insights acquired from selected areas of the Society’s programme. These vary from our institutional work with other organisations, or networks in which we take part, to the many years of environmental education and concrete conservation work carried out in order to protect the natural and cultural heritage of Prespa.

In addition, in 2017 the SPP, together with WWF Greece and its PrespaNet partners MES and PPNEA, produced a report reviewing all the conservation efforts which had taken place in the transboundary lakes basin for the new Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust. The report considered the history of conservation efforts and the key conservation priorities and threats to biodiversity at the time, as well as examining the main lessons learned and producing a gap analysis of where future interventions should be focussed.

Transboundary Prespa – Review of Conservation Efforts

To learn more about some of the ‘lessons learned’, click on the links below.
Developing a biodiversity monitoring scheme for a protected area

Monitoring waterbirds with a drone

Developing an environmental education programme

Partnerships between protected area authorities and non-governmental organisations

Building transboundary water governance

Managing joint transboundary activities and regularising shared working practices

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