The 4th Workshop of the Prespa Water Forum

Two years after the last in person meeting of the Prespa Water Forum, its members decided to meet again on 25 November 2021 in the Municipality of Pustec, Albania, by the coast of Great Prespa to renew ties, exchange information on the status of waters in the Prespa basin and finalise their joint project concept for the «Design and pilot application of a transboundary water monitoring scheme for the Prespa basin».
The Prespa Water Forum is the voluntary platform of water monitoring experts from the three littoral states sharing the Prespa basin serving since 2018 to encourage dialogue, share information, transfer know-how and jointly work to harmonise water monitoring schemes applied in Prespa in the long run. This effort is especially relevant today, with the impacts of the climate crisis increasingly felt in the basin, and in anticipation of the operation of official institutions of quadrilateral cooperation under the 2010 Prespa Park Agreement, and especially the Working Group on Water Management composed of water management authorities from the three countries and the European Commission to discuss management of water resources in the crossborder area.
The 4th Workshop of the Prespa Water Forum was kindly hosted by the Prespa National Park Administration at its office in Dolna Gorica, and was organized and facilitated by the SPP, with the assistance of PPNEA and funding by the Prespa-Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT).