The SPP participated in two major conferences in the Netherlands and Wales!

The Society for the Protection of Prespa had the pleasure of participating in two conferences beyond Greek borders in April, with the central theme being the conservation and restoration of rivers, traveling to the Netherlands and Wales, filling with new knowledge and experiences. We are grateful to be able to convey what we saw and learned back to Prespa.
Initially, we attended the Free Flow Conference in Groningen, which encompassed a wide range of topics from politics to river ecosystem restoration projects, as well as the Dam Removal Course, a seminar focused on the social and technical aspects of dam removal.
Subsequently, we participated in the annual conference of the River Restoration Centre for 2024! This year’s conference took place in the coastal town of Llandudno in Wales, and the Society for the Protection of Prespa was there along with 430 other participants. The program of this year’s conference included two keynote speeches and 45 additional presentations, covering a range of topics related to river ecosystem restoration, from climate change to sediment management, unimpeded river flow, citizen participation, and more.
The River Restoration Center, in collaboration with the LIFE Dee River team, offered participants the opportunity to see firsthand the restoration projects on the River Dee, with an excursion to its catchment area. The conference was an excellent opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and learn from experts about local river restoration programs and the latest research and practical applications in this field.
The program “Prespa’s Green and Blue Lifelines” is supported by the Donors Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems (DIMFE) and the Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT). The project ‘Prefeasibility Study on Rehabilitation of Agios Germanos River’ is implemented in the framework of the initiative for the iconic species of Greece, funded by WWF Greece.